L'album si compone di 46 canzoni. Potete cliccare sulle canzoni per visualizzare i rispettivi testi e le traduzioni:
Ecco una piccola lista di canzoni che Minutemen potrebbe decidere di cantare comprensiva dell'album dal quale ogni canzone è tratto:
- Corona
- Dr Wu
- It's Expected I'm Gone
- Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love
- Love Dance
- Maybe Partying Will Help
- Three Car Jam
- Untitled Song For Latin America
- D.'S Car Jam/Anxious Mo-Fo
- Take 5, D.
- There Ain't Shit on T.V. Tonight
- God Bows to Math
- Jesus and Tequila
- Do You Want New Wave or Do You Want the Truth?
- The Roar of the Masses Could Be Farts
- History Lesson - Part II
- Don’t Look Now
- No Exchange
- Storm in My House
- Cohesion
- Two Beads at the End
- Martin's Story
- Theatre Is the Life of You
- Retreat
- My Heart and the Real World
- Nature Without Man
- Shit from an Old Notebook
- Spillage
- The Big Foist
- The Glory of Man
- Political Song for Michael Jackson to Sing
- Little Man With A Gun In His Hand
- June 16th
- You Need the Glory
- Nothing Indeed
- This Ain't No Picnic
- The World According to Nouns
- #1 Hit Song
- One Reporter's Opinion
- Toadies
- Please Don't Be Gentle With Me
- Viet Nam
- Mr. Robot’s Holy Orders
- West Germany
- Themselves
- The Politics of Time