Informazioni sull'album The Return of the Fabulous Hofner Bluenotes di Chris Rea

Chris Rea ha finalmente reso pubblico Lunedi 17 Marzo 2025 il suo nuovo album, chiamato The Return of the Fabulous Hofner Bluenotes.
Vogliamo ricordare alcuni altri suoi album che hanno preceduto questo: Driving Home for Christmas: The Christmas EP / Auberge / Dancing with Strangers / Blue Guitars / On the Beach / Blue Street (Five Guitars) / La Passione / King of the Beach / Wired to the Moon / Tennis / Water Sign.
Le 36 canzoni che compongono l'album sono le seguenti:
Questi sono alcuni dei successi cantati da Chris Rea. Tra parentesi trovate il nome dell'album:
- When the Truth Comes Out
- I Can't Wait for Love
- Speak of God, Act Like the Devil
- Meet Me on the Mountain
- Green Shirt Blues (For George Russell)
- Black Wave Heroes
- The Days I Spent with You (Song for Bella)
- Twister Inside
- Skylark Blues
- India Arab
- Big Wave
- Big Storm Coming
- Russian Roulette
- Let's Getaway
- Dirty New Town
- Renaissance Blues
- Theme from the Pink Guitar
- 008 Jimmy Bond
- Gippo Euro
- Don't Tell Me About the Blues
- Blues for Janice
- Legacy Blues
- Race Fever Blues
- Which Part of the Painting Made You Cry?
- BB Was a Comanche
- The Shadow of a Fool
- It's Behind You
- Because It's You
- Rock and Roll Tonight
- Andorra Star Blues
- If I Keep My Faith in You
- Don't Give Your Ace Away
- French Football
- I Will Be With You
- The Power of Love
- Yes I Do
Alcuni Testi e Traduzioni di Chris Rea
- Midnight BlueChris Rea
- Friends Across The WaterChris Rea
- I Don’t Know What It Is But I Love ItChris Rea
- The Road To HellChris Rea
- King Of The BeachChris Rea
- Only To FlyChris Rea
- Fool - If You Think It’s Over 2001 EditChris Rea
- HeavenChris Rea
- Auf Immer Und EwigChris Rea
- On The BeachChris Rea
- Who Cares If I DoChris Rea
- Big White DoorChris Rea
- I Can't Dance To ThatChris Rea
- Sun Is HotChris Rea
- Let's DanceChris Rea
- Looking For The SummerChris Rea
- Driving Home For ChristmasChris Rea