Informazioni sull'album Today di Elvis Presley

Vi presentiamo il nuovo album di Elvis Presley intitolato Today. L'album è stato rilasciato in data Venerdi 28 Marzo 2025.
Vogliamo ricordare alcuni altri suoi album che hanno preceduto questo: Elvis’ Christmas Album / Elvis In Person At The International Hotel (From Memphis to Vegas/From Vegas to Memphis) / Blue Hawaii / Jailhouse Rock / Almost in Love / Frankie And Johnny / Elvis’ Golden Records / From Elvis In Memphis / Elvis’ Golden Records Volume 3 / Before Anyone Did Anything, Elvis Did Everything / Kissin’ Cousins / On Stage / King Creole / Elvis Is Back! / Fun In Acapulco / Elvis’ Gold Records Volume 4 / Love Letters from Elvis / His Hand In Mine / For LP Fans Only / Pot Luck / Elvis: Recorded Live On Stage In Memphis / Good Times / Loving You / He Touched Me / Raised On Rock / For Ol’ Times Sake / Moody Blue / Elvis’ Christmas Album (Camden / Pickwick Edition) / Elvis Sings The Wonderful World Of Christmas / Aloha from Hawaii: Via Satellite / Girls! Girls! Girls! / Elvis Presley.
Le 14 canzoni che compongono l'album sono le seguenti:
Ecco a voi una breve lista di canzoni composte da Elvis Presley che potrebbe essere suonate durante il concerto e il suo album di riferimento:
- Woman Without Love
- Shake A Hand
- Also Sprach Zarathustra
- Funny How Time Slips Away
- Bringin' It Back
- Pieces Of My Life
- I Can Help
- Why Me Lord
- And I Love You So
- Green, Green Grass Of Home
- T-R-O-U-B-L-E (1975)
- Mystery Train - Tiger Man
- Susan When She Tried
- Bringing It Back
Alcuni Testi e Traduzioni di Elvis Presley
- Blue Suede ShoesElvis Presley
- It Wouldn’t Be The Same Without YouElvis Presley
- Stranger In My Own Home TownElvis Presley
- Return To SenderElvis Presley
- You Gave Me A MountainElvis Presley
- Sweet CarolineElvis Presley
- It Won’t Seem Like ChristmasElvis Presley
- If Every Day Was Like ChristmasElvis Presley
- Spring FeverElvis Presley
- Kiss Me QuickElvis Presley
- Working On The BuildingElvis Presley
- Anything That’s Part Of YouElvis Presley
- Moody BlueElvis Presley
- Raised On RockElvis Presley
- Are You SincereElvis Presley
- Find Out What’s HappeningElvis Presley
- Girl Of MineElvis Presley
- For Ol’ Times SakeElvis Presley
- If You Don’t Come BackElvis Presley
- Just A Little BitElvis Presley